Creating an Active Black Country - a strategy to unite the Black Country to create active, healthier people and places - read more

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Why is it so important to our work?

Our organisation exists to get people active to support healthier lives. Good decision making relies on getting access to the right information, informed via learning from our approaches and those of others to get people active.

To do this we have to work with partners and communities to build detailed understanding and raise awareness of the opportunities that exist to get people more active every day.

We need to understand and continuously learn about the motivations, barriers, fears to change of local people we want to get active.

We equally have to raise awareness and learn of the potential to get people active across our local ecosystem on a daily basis; by providing connected and accessible walking and cycling routes, co-locating community facilities to support linked trips and avoid unnecessary car journeys, enabling activity within the public realm and promoting the design of active buildings. Considering how can we design our places so they can nudge people to be active and identify and work with different stakeholders and partners to embed these behaviours into daily life.

The hub is an important tool where partners can view existing information and contribute and build upon the content already there to build and share knowledge.