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Leisure sector job demand and availability for young people

Leisure sector job demand and availability for young people

Research Area

Disconnected: Career Aspirations and Jobs in the UK - Education & Employers, 2020

Summary of Findings
A report published by the charity 'Education & Employers' indicates that a number of sectors, including parts of leisure, are oversubscribed in terms of young people applying for vacant positions. The study is based on a survey of 5,000 14-18 year olds and they were asked which of 21 sectors they wanted to work in, so that the results (weighted by age and gender) could be compared with current and projected future demand in the UK. The results show that there is a disconnect between the sectors that young people want to work in and the availability or number of jobs in that sector. Art and culture, entertainment and sport (listed as one option) was the sector with the biggest excess in aspiration where five times as many 17 and 18 year olds want to work (15.6%) compared to the projected demand in the economy (3.3%). Alarmingly, for 51% of these UK respondents, this was the only sector in which they expressed an interest; a further 26% were only willing to consider one or two other sectors.

This excess in aspiration points towards a likely future shortage of places, stiff competition, and possible downward pressure on wages and conditions in the sector.